How to Get Free Shipping on AliExpress?

One of the key perks of online shopping is the potential for free or reduced shipping. Especially on platforms like AliExpress, where products come from a myriad of sellers. Although obtaining free shipping might seem like a challenge, it isn’t impossible. Let’s delve into a few strategies to minimize shipping fees.

Harness the Power of Built-in Features

AliExpress, as a vast e-commerce platform, provides users with handy features to streamline their shopping experience and manage costs.

How to Filter for Free Shipping on the Website

  • Navigate to AliExpress and choose the “all product categories” option.
  • Use the search bar to key in your desired product.
  • On the results page, notice the various filtering options. One of them is “Free Shipping”.
  • By selecting this, AliExpress will showcase only products that come with no shipping fee.
  • If you’re budget-conscious, sort the results by “price” to see the most affordable items first.

Navigating the AliExpress Mobile Application

  • Launch the AliExpress app and either tap on “Categories” or directly use the search function.
  • After entering your search, head to the “Filter” option.
  • Here, you can choose “Free Shipping” and finalize your selection.
  • Like on the website, the “Price (ascending)” feature allows you to view items from the lowest price point.

Visual Shopping and Savings

A distinctive feature of the AliExpress mobile app is its image search. This tool lets users identify if the product they’re eyeing is available with no shipping fee from various merchants. Although free shipping might not be explicitly indicated, you can cross-check by adding items to your cart and reviewing the cumulative price.

Negotiation Tactics with Sellers

A rather unconventional yet effective approach involves direct interaction with sellers.

  • Add all your chosen items to the cart, ensuring they’re all from a single seller.
  • Proceed to “Pay”, choosing a payment method you haven’t used or saved before.
  • Navigate away from the site or app without completing the purchase.
  • The order, now marked as “Pending Payment”, prompts sellers to potentially offer reduced shipping fees to finalize the sale.

By indicating your genuine interest, there’s a good likelihood the seller might reduce shipping costs. But, if they’re reluctant, remember the order isn’t finalized and can be discarded.

The Reality of Free Shipping Coupons

Often, shoppers wonder about the existence of coupons that can completely offset shipping charges.

While AliExpress doesn’t provide universal free shipping coupons, they often have promotional activities and games. By engaging in these, shoppers can earn “coins”, which are rewards for participation. Accumulated coins can later be exchanged for discount coupons. Though these might not cover entire shipping costs, they can significantly reduce purchase prices.

In conclusion, while free shipping might seem elusive, with the right strategies and a bit of effort, you can make the most of your online shopping experience on AliExpress. Always remember to do a final review before confirming any purchases.

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